
Friday, December 14, 2018

Improving myelin sheath repair as a treatment for multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, currently estimated to effect nearly one million people in the United States.1 All autoimmune diseases are characterized by a malfunctioning immune system that attacks healthy host cells, instead of the normal function of attacking infection to prevent illness. Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that covers and protects nerve fibers. The myelin sheath protection enables the nerves to successfully carry signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Through continued damage to the myelin sheath, the nerves themselves can become and damaged and exposed, affecting communication between the brain and the body which leads to a multitude of different problems. When the myelin sheath becomes very damaged, the nerve is said to be demyelinated. This can cause problems with vision, pain and numbness in various parts of the body. More about multiple sclerosis can be found here. 2    
Figure 1: dymelination illustration
            Treating Multiple Sclerosis has largely been focused on the preventing the attacks from the immune system that causes the demyelination and its affects, however a new type of treatment has been recently proposed, focusing on increasing the patients ability to restore their myelin sheath, in a process called remyelination.3 One of the research groups currently interested in restoring and protecting the myelin sheath is Mohammad Javan's lab in the department of physiology of Tarbiat Modares University. His group recently published a paper suggesting a specific way to increase the body’s ability to repair the myelin sheath.
            Mohammad Javan’s group hypothesized that inactivating the receptor called Sphingosine-1-phospate receptor 2 (S1PR2) would contribute to more efficient repair of the myelin sheath. S1PR2 is one of a few receptors for the protein S1P. This protein and its receptors have various functions, one of which is playing a part in the differentiation and trafficking of immune cells.4 You can learn much more about the functions of S1P and its receptors with this article.5 The researchers arrived at their hypothesis because previous research has shown that when a protein called Nogo-A binds to the S1PR2 receptor, it inhibits the growth of neurons.6 Normally this is be important to regulate neuronal growth and control neuron pathways, but when the neurons become damaged and demyelinated, then S1PR2 is inhibiting repairs to the neuron. In this paper they investigated how inhibiting the function of S1PR2 in mice would affect the mice’s ability to repair damaged nerves, and alleviate some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Since the demyelination is due to immune cell’s attacks and S1PR2 is involved in trafficking of immune cells, the investigators also examined how the inactivation of S1PR2 would affect inflammation (inflammation is caused by immune cells gathering in a localized area).
            To test their hypothesis, they injected a chemical called lysolecithin near the brain of different groups of mice. Lysolecithin is used to induce demyelination in mice, because it breaks down membranes that usually keep immune cells away from the mice’s nerves. The injection of lysolecithin increases the number of immune cells that come into to contact with the nerves leading to the damage of the myelin sheath.7 The different groups of mice included one group that had normal S1PR2, one that was genetically engineered to lack the S1PR2 totally, and one group that was treated with JTE-013, which is a chemical that has been established to inactivate S1PR2.8  To examine the mice’s ability to repair the demyelination caused by the lysolecithin injection, they used an procedure called Sudan Black staining.9 Essentially this type of staining allows the researchers to examine the thickness of the myelin sheath. The researchers concluded that the thin myelin sheaths detected were myelin sheaths in the process of remyelination. Both groups of mice with inactivated S1PR2 had significantly more remyelinated nerve cells then the group of mice with functional S1PR2. The researchers also used a technique called immunofluorescence10 that allowed them to count the number of macrophage cells,11 which is a specific immune cell that contributes greatly to inflammation and damage to the nerve. Immunofluorescence allows the researcher to visualize specific proteins, so they looked for a protein that is expressed on macrophages called Iba1. They found that the groups of mice with inactivated S1PR2 had significantly less macrophages in the area of the demyelination, suggesting less inflammation.
            Additionally, the researchers showed that the inactivation of S1PR2 resulted in decreased loss of vision for the mice. For this experiment, they injected the different groups of mice with lysolecithin to demyelinate their optic nerves. The vision of individual mice was measured by placing the mouse in front of a virtual rotating system shown below. It is striped black and white so the mouse will follow the direction of movement with its head if it perceives the rotation. The rotation rate was increased until the mouse no longer could follow it with their eyes.
Figure 2: Mouse vision test illustration
On the third day after the lysolecithin injection, all the mice groups tested worse than the baseline test, confirming that the demyelination affected their vision. On day fourteen, the mice were re-tested, resulting in the group of mice lacking the S1PR2 gene testing significantly better than both the control group and the group treated with JTE-013. This suggests that the mice lacking the S1PR2 gene, had increased remyelination, resulting in the increased rate of recovery of their vision. In another experiment involving live mice, the severity of a very similar condition to multiple sclerosis that can be induced in mice was recorded over time. This condition is called experimental autoimmune encephalitis. After inducing the experimental autoimmune encephalitis condition in the mice, they found that the mice that had inactivated S1PR2, either by the JTE-013, or by the lack of the gene, had far less severe symptoms then the mice with a functional S1PR2. They had less demyelination, less overall inflammation, and a higher number of cells that lead to remyelination.
            These results show that the inactivation of S1PR2 leads to less demyelination and more remyelination associated with the relief of the multiple sclerosis symptoms. The researchers suggest that using JTE-013 to inactivate S1PR2 has the potential to be an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis because in most of their experiments, the JTE-013 mice mirrored the results of the mice lacking S1PR2 entirely. This is a promising avenue to supplement treatment of multiple sclerosis as research continues to try and identify the reason that the immune system malfunctions. This research has the potential to apply to other diseases as well because multiple sclerosis is one of many different demyelinating diseases.12 However, not all demyelinating diseases come from damage done by the immune system. Some are caused by viruses and others result from genetics, so more research must be done to investigate the effect of inactivating S1PR2 on remyelination in these other conditions. Also, a better understanding of the exact functions of the S1PR2 gene is necessary to investigate possible side effects of inactivating S1PR2 in humans. Further advances into increasing the efficiency of myelin sheath repair will lead to more effective treatments for multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases.


1.   “MS Prevalence” 2018. Retrieved from

      2. “Multiple Sclerosis” 2017. Retrieved from
3.    R.J.M. Franklin, C. French. 2017. Regenerating CNS myelin — from mechanisms to experimental
            medicines. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 18: 753-769
4.   Jolly, P. S. et al. 2004. Transactivation of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors by FcεRI triggering is
                required for normal mast cell degranulation and chemotaxis. J. Exp. Med. 199: 959970
5.   H. Rosen, E.J. Goetzl. 2005. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and its receptors: an autocrine and
            paracrine network. Nature Reviews Immunology 5: 560570
6.   A. Kempf, et. al 2014. The sphingolipid receptor S1PR2 is a receptor for nogo-A Repressing synaptic
            plasticity PLoS Biol., article published Jan, 14. 2014.  
7.   F. Huang, et. al 200. A novel lysophospholipid- and pH-sensitive receptor, GPR4, in brain endothelial
            cells regulates monocyte transmigration. J. Endothel. Cell Res 14: 25-34 
8.  M. Osada et. al 2002. Enhancement of sphingosine 1-phosphate-induced migration of vascular
endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells by an EDG-5 antagonist. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 299: 483-487
9.   B. V. Ineichen, et. al 2017. Sudan black: a fast, easy and nontoxic method to assess myelin repair
            in demyelinating diseases. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 43: 242–251
10.  “Principle of Immunofluorescence” Retrieved from
11.  M.A Elheu. 1983. The Role of Macrophages in Immunology. Journal of the National Medical Association
            75 NO. 3
12.   S. Love. 2006. Demyelinating Diseases. J Clin Pathol. 59(11): 1151–1159.

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