This paper,
published in 2011 in Nature by a research team out of Yale University School of
Medicine lead by Dr. A
Phillip West investigated the potential role that macrophages, which are
phagocytotic cells that participate in the innate immune response, play in
attacking bacteria. Prior to this paper, the link between reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and phagocytes involved in the innate immune response had already
been connected (Lambeth, 2004).
However, Dr. West and his team attempted to illustrate the pathway in which ROS
originated from the mitochondria contribute to the ability of the macrophage to
combat bacteria.
To set the stage,
reactive oxygen species play numerous roles within aerobic organisms, which are
organisms that create energy by use of oxygen as the final electron receptor (Hulbert et
al, 2007). Aerobic metabolism produces reactive oxygen species as a
byproduct of producing the proton gradient needed to make ATP, which occurs
along the inner membrane of the mitochondria (Hulbert et
al, 2007). These ROS can harm an organism, as they are extremely reactive
species that can damage a cells macromolecules, such as lipids, DNA, and
proteins (Hulbert et
al, 2007). However, ROS can also function as signaling molecules and play
an important role within the innate immune response (Lambeth, 2004). The innate
immune response is a general immune response utilized by an organism at the
first sign of damage or infection, as, although a generalized attack, it is
quick and sometimes sufficient (Mak et al, 2014). Macrophages play an important
role in the innate immune by engulfing, through phagocytosis, and killing microorganisms
(Mak et al, 2014). Since the ROS produced within the mitochondria have been
thought to only play a negative role, Dr. West and his team thought to investigate
the possible role that mROS could play in the macrophages overall ability to
destroy invading bacteria.
To observe this, West
and his team started by answering the most broad question of their research
project, what links mROS production to the innate immune response? West et al
(2011) hypothesized that the link may be related to a group of Toll-like
receptors, specifically TLR1, TLR2, and TLR4.
A Toll-like
receptor is a microbial sensing proteins that are embedded in the membranes
of cells and are utilized by the cell to patrol for potential dangers to the
organism (Christmas,
2010). There are, so far, ten different toll-like receptors (TLR), but
TLR1, TLR2, and TLR4 were selected by Dr. West and his team because these three
are part of a group that can bind to parts of microbial cell walls and
membranes that are only found in pathogens (Christmas,
2010). These three TLRs are also located on the cell’s plasma membrane,
thus these three could then help understand the connection between the
activation of these receptors and mROS generation (Christmas,
2010). To activate the specific TLRs in the macrophages, macrophages were
obtained by the ATCC (a
company that provides researchers with immunological research tools) from tumor
cells in mice and were then exposed to specific molecules that bind to a TLR
and turn it on, which are called agonists. These included lipopolysaccharides
(LPS), which turn on TLR 4, the synthetic lipopeptide Pam3CSK4, which turns on
TLR 1/2, lipotechoic acid, which turns on TLR 2 (West et al, 2011). Other TLR
receptors that do not bind to microbial cell walls or membranes and are located
on the membrane of the endosome were also looked, such as TLR 3,7,8,9 and each
were also turned on by their respective molecules (West et al, 2011; Christmas,
2010). Bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM) were looked at in a similar manner.
To do this, the researchers plated each cell type on a well plate and mixed
them with each type of agonist separately. Dyes that colored the mROS and
hydrogen peroxide were used to be able to calculate concentration from each
sample’s fluorescence intensity value (FACS). The researchers found that
stimulation of the surface TLR receptors triggered the production of mROS while
the endosomal TLRs did not (West et al, 2011)(Figure 1). The authors concluded
that the cell surface TLRs increased ROS generation because these are the
receptors that interact with the bacteria directly. Endosomal TLRs sense viral
mediators and thus, it would not make sense for the end to increase ROS
production if the purpose of the ROS is to help signal the macrophage to phagocytose
a bacteria. To learn more about how TLRs bind to pathogens and induce an immune
signal, click here.
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1: A. RAW macrophages cell surface TLRs interacting with their agonists
produced more ROS than endosomal TLRs interacting with their agonists, as illustrated
by their fluorescence intensity values. The cell surface TLR samples fluoresced
more intensely in the ROS dye than the endosomal TLR samples, indicating more
ROS was produced in the former. B. BMM macrophages
cell surface TLRs increased hydrogen peroxide production while endosomal TLR 9
did not. The same technique described above was used to determine these
Next, armed with the knowledge that ROS production is
up-regulated by activation of cell surface TLRs, West and his team investigated if
mitochondria could be moved near to internal vacuoles containing the
phagocytized bacteria. Previous studies have indicated that mitochondria are
recruited inside a cell to locate closer to vacuoles containing bacteria, one
such study by Sinai, Webster, and Joiner (1997) can be found here if further
inquiry is desired. To potentially
observe this phenomena and thus explain how mROS play a role in the innate
immune response, West and his team exposed BMM to coated beads covered in pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs). A PAMP is a
functional component of a microorganism that allows host cells to differentiate
that microorganism as “not self” and thus deal with it effectively (Tang et al, 2012).
West and his team witnessed that BMM that consumed beads coated in a TLR 1/TLR
2 agonist and TLR 4 agonist, mitochondria were recruited to the bead (Figure
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Figure 1c. The recruitment of mitochondria inside BMM. The
bead are colored in red and in rows 1 and 2, mitochondria are colored green. In
the last row, mitochondria are colored yellow. In BMM that encapsulated beads
coated in Pam3csk4 and LPS, mitochondria are seen to surround the bead, an
effect not seen in the uncoated bead trial.
These two results led West and his team to hypothesize that
since the mitochondria move towards areas containing the agonists of TLR 1/2/4,
TLR signaling from the 1/2/4 pathways should also occur. To begin to examine
this hypothesis, West and his team measured a known intermediate in the cell signaling
pathway in the above TLRs, TRAF6 (West et al, 2011). The researchers found that
macrophages stimulated agonists for the three TLRs had increased expression of
TRAF6 in their mitochondria (West et al, 2011). The researchers connected this upregulation
of TRAF6 to the evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in Toll
pathways (ECSIT), which is a protein that has been connected to building the mitochondrial
respiratory chain, the same chain in which mROS are produced (Vogel et al, 2007).
TRAF6 was able to interact with ECSIT after ECSIT localized in the mitochondrial
outer membrane when exposed with LPS, the agonist in the TLR 4 pathway (West et
al, 2011). This places ECSIT in a better location to interact with TRAF6, which
enables the macrophage to localize around PAMP-coated beads (West et al, 2011).
West and his team then used this information to investigate a potential link
between ECSIT and the concentration of mROS being created. The research team
did this by taking BMM from mice heterozygous for ESCIT, meaning these
macrophages contained around 40% less ECSIT (West et al, 2011). The researchers
discovered that without the correct levels of ECSIT and also depleted levels of
TRAF6, macrophages produced remarkably less ROS. Thus without both proteins
functional, ROS is not generated at the heightened level (West et al, 2011).
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Figure 4: A-C. Wild Type Macrophages and the ECSIT +/- Macrophages
infected with Salmonella typhimurium. A.
Illustrates the nuclei in each cell using a stain called DAPI in the wild type
or ECSIT +/-. B. Illustrates the amount of ECSIT and protein present from both
the Salmonella typhimurium using western blotting.
C. Illustrates the colony count for Salmonella
typhimurium in the hours following exposure. D-E. Wild Type or BMM
macrophages from catalase deficient or wild type. D. Illustrates the amount of Catalase
and protein derived from Salmonella
typhimurium present using western blotting. E. Illustrate the nuclei in
each cell using a stain called DAPI in the wild type or MCAT macrophages. F-G.
Illustrate the spleens and livers from MCAT, Wild Type, and ECSIT +/- and the
levels of intracellular bacterial coloney forming units.
All in all, the results of this
study by West et al (2011) illustrated that macrophages exposed to agonists
that trigger TLR 1/2/4 lead to mitochondrial movement to the site of the
bacterial PAMP and the interaction between TRAF6 and ECSIT upregulate the production
of ROS (West et al, 2011). Macrophages deficient in either TRAF6, ECSIT, or
contained high levels of catalase were unable to destroy intracellular
bacteria, showing that mitochondrial ROS are needed to aid the macrophage in
destroying bacteria and protecting the host. ROS are needed for the innate
immune response, and West and his team illustrated that the mitochondria not
only produce ROS, but are important immune signaling centers for the innate
immune response. Future directions and applications for this material could
include investigating the interplay between oxidative stress and antioxidant concentration
and the production of mROS for the innate immune response, as a balance between
both processes would be needed for a cell to prevent macromolecule damage, but
to also correctly respond to bacterial PAMPS.
Christmas, P. (2010) Toll-Like Receptors: Sensors
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S. (2011). TLR signalling augments macrophage bactericidal activity through mitochondrial ROS. Nature, 472(7344), 476.
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